Most Expensive Metal in the World

What comes to our mind when we hear the word expensive? Gold, Platinum? Yes, these are among the most expensive metal in the world. But there are other metals which are equally precious metals in the world. Some of these are very scarce on Earth, and hence costly to produce. On the periodic table of … Read more

Hydrogen – Types of Hydrogen

What is hydrogen? Hydrogen and differnet types of hydrogen are an environmentally friendly alternative to methane, also known as natural gas. It is the most abundant chemical element, accounting for 75% of the universe’s mass. Water, plants, animals, and, of course, humans contain massive amounts of hydrogen atoms. While it is found in nearly all … Read more

Caustic Soda Manufacturers in India

Caustic Soda Manufacturers in India Caustic soda is an inorganic bulk chemical, strongly alkaline, and odorless having applications in various fields. It occurs in liquid form which is called Caustic Soda lye & solid form which is called Flakes or pellets. It has applications in pulp and paper manufacturing, viscose yarn, staple fiber, aluminum, textiles; … Read more

Top Speciality Chemical Companies in India

Top Speciality Chemical Companies in India Specialty chemicals are chemical substances that produce a wide range of effects on which many other industries depend. They are substances that are used because of their performance or function. As a result, in addition to “effect” chemicals, they are also known as “performance” chemicals or “formulation” chemicals. They … Read more

Top Chemical Companies in India

Top Chemical Companies in India India is the 6th Largest producer of Chemicals in the world and 4th largest in Asia. The country ranks 14th in export of chemicals. Sales of Chemicals sector in India is worth ~$212 billion (2021). And it is projected to reach $300 billion by 2025 growing at 9.3% CAGR. Broadly, … Read more

Best Chemical Stocks In India

Best Chemical Stocks In India Chemical industry is a vital supplier of raw materials to sectors like agriculture, pharmaceutical, packaging, construction, food processing, and many others. India’s chemical industry, which has long been lagging behind major Asian manufacturing nations has found a new pace of growth in recent years. This new pace of growth has … Read more

Indian Chemical Industry at a Glance

Indian Chemical Industry India is the 6th Largest producer of Chemicals in the world and 4th largest in Asia. The country ranks 14th in export of chemicals. Sales of Chemicals sector in India is worth ~$212 billion (2021). And it is projected to reach $300 billion by 2025 growing at 9.3% CAGR. Broadly, the industry … Read more

Short Term Future of Crude Oil Prices

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world is facing a historic energy crisis and peak crude oil prices. Fuel prices in North America and South Asia have risen sharply, while energy costs in Europe remain incredibly expensive. The Biden administration pleaded with Saudi Arabia to increase oil output. … Read more

Types of Combustion

Combustion and Types of Combustion Burning or combustion is an exothermic redox chemical reaction between a reductant or fuel and an oxidant that creates oxidised, mostly gaseous products in the form of heat and light at a high temperature. Types of Combustion: Complete Combustion: The reactant burns in oxygen and produces fewer products during complete … Read more

Benzene Market- Global Market Growth, Supply & Demand

Benzene is a light, highly flammable, colorless and volatile, liquid aromatic hydrocarbon with a sweet odor. It is a six carbon unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbon with a chemical formula C6H6. The cyclic structure of benzene has continuous pi bond linkages between the carbons making it an aromatic hydrocarbon. Benzene is commonly found in crude oil, coking … Read more

Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Market Report

Introduction When PVC (polyvinyl chloride) gets chlorinated through free radical chlorination reaction it forms chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC). Chlorine is added to PVC to make CPVC using water slurry or fluidized bed chlorination process. The process involves the use of ultraviolet light to carry out the chlorination reaction. CPVC is somewhat similar to PVC in … Read more

Father of Nuclear Chemistry – Otto Emil Hahn

Known as father of nuclear chemistry, Otto Emil Hahn was a German chemist who was one of the early pioneers of radioactivity and radiochemistry. Hahn won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his historic discovery of nuclear fission. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 22 times and 16 times for the Nobel … Read more

Rice Puller and its pseudoscientific claims

Rice puller are metal /alloy artifacts purported to attract rice grains. Ricepuller’s alleged magical property of attracting grains makes these things incredibly valuable. It is this property that makes rice pullers a way for conmen on the Indian subcontinent to scam people. What are they made of? Rice pullers can be any metal object such … Read more