Barium Chloride Dihydrate – BaCl2 2H2O, 10326-27-9

Barium chloride dihydrate is a white crystalline compound with the chemical formula BaCl2·2H2O. It is commonly used in the laboratory as a reagent and in the industry for metal surface treatment.

IUPAC NameBarium chloride dihydrate
Molecular FormulaBaCl2·2H2O
CAS Number10326-27-9
SynonymsBarium dichloride dihydrate; Barium(II) chloride dihydrate; Barium chloride hydrate (1:2:2); Barium chloride 2-hydrate; Barium chloride, dihydrate; Barium dichloride, dihydrate; Barium(2+) chloride dihydrate
BaCl2 2H2O molar mass

The molar mass of Barium chloride dihydrate (BaCl2·2H2O) is 244.26 g/mol. This value can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of each element present in the compound. Barium has a molar mass of 137.33 g/mol, chlorine has a molar mass of 35.45 g/mol, and hydrogen and oxygen have molar masses of 1.01 g/mol and 16.00 g/mol, respectively. The two water molecules add an additional 36.02 g/mol. The molar mass of BaCl2·2H2O is important in stoichiometric calculations where the amount of reactant or product is expressed in moles.

Barium chloride dihydrate formula

The chemical formula of Barium chloride dihydrate is BaCl2·2H2O. This formula indicates that each formula unit of the compound contains one barium ion, two chloride ions, and two water molecules. The formula is important for stoichiometric calculations and for understanding the chemical and physical properties of the compound.

Barium chloride dihydrate boiling point

BaCl2 2H2O has a boiling point of 1560 °C. At this temperature, the compound will undergo a phase transition from a liquid to a gas. The high boiling point is due to the ionic nature of the compound, which requires a large amount of energy to break the strong electrostatic forces holding the ions together. BaCl2 2H2O is used in industry as a heat treatment agent for metal surfaces due to its high melting and boiling points.

Barium chloride dihydrate melting point

The melting point of BaCl2 2H2O is 962 °C. At this temperature, the compound will transition from a solid to a liquid. The high melting point of BaCl2·2H2O is due to the strong ionic bonds between the barium and chlorine ions, as well as the hydrogen bonding between the water molecules. The melting point of BaCl2 2H2O is an important property for its use in various applications such as the production of pigments and dyes, and the treatment of metal surfaces.

Barium chloride dihydrate density g/ml

The density of Barium chloride dihydrate is 3.097 g/cm³. This means that 1 cm³ of Barium chloride dihydrate weighs 3.097 grams. The density of a substance is an important property that can provide insight into its physical and chemical properties. In the case of Barium chloride dihydrate, the high density is due to the relatively large atomic mass of barium and the compact packing of ions in the crystal lattice structure.

BaCl2 2H2O molecular weight

The molecular weight of BaCl2 2H2O is 244.26 g/mol. This value can be calculated by adding the atomic weights of each element present in the compound. The molecular weight is an important property of BaCl2 2H2O as it is used in various applications such as the production of pigments and dyes, and as a reagent in laboratory experiments.

Barium chloride dihydrate
BaCl2 2H2O structure

The crystal structure of BaCl2 2H2O is orthorhombic, with space group Pnma. The unit cell contains one formula unit of BaCl2·2H2O, consisting of one barium ion, two chloride ions, and two water molecules. The barium ion is surrounded by eight chloride ions and the water molecules are hydrogen-bonded to the chloride ions. The crystal structure of BaCl2 2H2O is important for understanding its physical and chemical properties, as well as for its use in various applications.

AppearanceWhite crystalline solid
Specific Gravity3.097 g/cm³
ColorColorless to white
Molar Mass244.26 g/mol
Density3.097 g/cm³
Melting Point962 °C
Boiling Point1560 °C
Flash PointNot applicable
Water Solubility31.2 g/100 mL (at 20°C)
SolubilitySoluble in alcohol and acetone
Vapour PressureNot applicable
Vapour DensityNot applicable
pKaNot applicable
pHNeutral (7)

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Barium Chloride Dihydrate Safety and Hazards

BaCl2 2H2O poses several safety and health hazards, which can be harmful if not handled properly. It is a corrosive substance that can cause severe burns to the skin and eyes upon contact. Inhaling its dust or vapors can lead to respiratory problems and lung damage. It is also toxic if ingested and can cause gastrointestinal problems. BaCl2 2H2O should be handled with caution, and proper protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and respiratory masks should be worn when working with the compound. It should be stored away from incompatible substances and in a secure area to prevent accidental exposure. In case of an emergency, seek medical attention immediately.

Hazard SymbolsCorrosive (C)
Safety Description 
UN IdsUN1564
HS Code28273990
Hazard Class8
Packing GroupIII
ToxicityToxic if ingested; may cause gastrointestinal problems. Corrosive to skin and eyes. Inhaling dust or vapors can lead to respiratory problems and lung damage.
Barium Chloride Dihydrate Synthesis Methods

You can synthesize BaCl2 2H2O through several methods.

One common method involves reacting barium carbonate or barium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid. You must evaporate the resulting solution to obtain the solid compound.

Another method involves reacting barium sulfide with hydrochloric acid. This reaction produces hydrogen sulfide gas, which you must properly vent. The resulting solution is then purified through filtration and crystallization to obtain the final product.

You can also synthesize BaCl2 2H2O through a precipitation reaction using sodium chloride and barium nitrate. You must mix the two compounds together in a solution, and then filter and dry the resulting precipitate to obtain the solid compound.

Additionally, BaCl2 2H2O can be synthesized through the reaction of barium oxide with hydrochloric acid. This reaction produces water as a byproduct, which you must remove through evaporation. The resulting solution is then crystallized to obtain the final product.

When working with BaCl2 2H2O, you must take proper safety precautions as it is a corrosive and toxic compound. You should wear protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and respiratory masks, and handle the compound in a well-ventilated area.

Barium Chloride Dihydrate Uses

BaCl2 2H2O has several uses in various industries.

  • The chemical industry uses BaCl2 2H2O as a reagent in several chemical reactions, such as the production of barium salts, pigments, and ceramics.
  • It functions as a flux in metal refining and as a catalyst in organic synthesis.
  • The medical industry utilizes BaCl2 2H2O as a contrast agent in radiography and to treat barium poisoning. It is also used in the manufacture of dental cements.
  • The textile industry employs BaCl2 2H2O as a mordant, a substance that binds dyes to fibers, and as a flame retardant for textiles.
  • In the petroleum industry, BaCl2 2H2O serves as a drilling mud additive to increase mud density and prevent blowouts during drilling operations.
  • The food industry uses BaCl2 2H2O as a preservative and flavor enhancer for certain foods.

Proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective equipment and handling the compound in a well-ventilated area, should be taken to minimize the risks associated with working with the corrosive and toxic BaCl2 2H2O.

What is the formula for barium chloride dihydrate?

The formula for barium chloride dihydrate is BaCl2·2H2O.

Is barium chloride dihydrate soluble in water?

Yes, barium chloride dihydrate is highly soluble in water. It readily dissolves in water, with a solubility of approximately 31.2 g/100 mL at room temperature. This high solubility makes it a useful compound in various industries, such as in the production of barium salts and as a drilling mud additive in the petroleum industry. However, its high solubility also means that it can pose a risk to human health and the environment if not handled properly, as it can contaminate water sources and lead to toxicity in aquatic organisms. Therefore, proper precautions must be taken when working with BaCl2 2H2O to prevent contamination and ensure safe handling.

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